Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shall We Leave the Body Whole?

Early this morning I found myself praying for a minister I met just a few days ago.  Our meeting was by chance and certain time restraints prohibited somewhat.  Still, I felt our meeting was ordained of God and overshadowed by His spirit.  At any rate, just after awaking today I found myself praying for him, his family and church.

As I prayed I felt the Lord leading me to think upon an Old Testament story.  The story involved two mothers, two infants and a very wise king; Solomon.  One of the mothers, wearied by caring for her newborn during a time of famine, had lost the child to death one night.  Through the night, the agonized woman seized upon a dreadful idea: 'I'll take the live newborn of my roommate and leave my dead infant with the other mother...'  And so she did.

Can you imagine the sorrow of the good mother when she discovered a lifeless infant at her side?  Her sorrow then turned to amazement as she realized this might not have been her child - a switch had taken place!  Thousands of years ago, how would one prove the true parenthood of the living child?  The complexity of the case brought it swiftly to the wise King Solomon who shocked his court by calling for a sword.  Why would the King need a sword, the court had to wonder?  'I'll sever the child in half - then each mother can have half of the living child,' the King solemnly ruled.  (I Kings 3:16-28)

As his sword raised King Solomon noted the horror of the true mother as well as the wicked glee of the other.  The cry of the concerned parent confirmed what his eyes had already told him: the wise King could discern the true mother by her love for the child and her unquenchable determination to keep the child whole - and thus alive.

To us, then, what is this story supposed to reveal?  Is the Lord is leading us to understand that there are those present in the visible church who care not for the well being of the body of Christ but care only for their selfish, personal goals?  Are there those in the visible church who would rather see the Body of Christ divided than whole, who would rather see theie self-serving ideals furthered than to see the Body of Christ ministered to and becoming more whole and more holy?

Can we seek what we seek to gain our way, even when we think it is right, in a very low, subtle way?  Is it ever right to accomplish good  things in the wrong way?  

Do pray with me that we may feel the wise leading of God in these days and that we may contend with all diligence for a wholesome church!  

For more information on Jonathan please visit his little spot on the web,

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Time of God's Coming to You

  "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace-but…you
did not recognize the time of God's coming to you."  (Lk. 19:42-44, NIV)

Strange, isn't it?  Jerusalem suffered much loss because one day, just one day, they missed an opportunity for peace.  I don't know if it was the day taxes were due, or a day that elections were held day but I do know they didn't recognize the day that God reached out to them in a special way.  Talk about bad days...

I believe that timing is vastly important in the Kingdom of God; we need to, in the midst of all our strategic planning, remain very sensitive in allowing God to work in every aspect of our lives.  I recall speaking to one pastor about revival in his church.  "Well, he said slowly, "We can't have revival in the summer months because so many people go on vacation.  We can't have revival in the fall because we have some farmers in our church and they harvest then.  We can't have revival in December because of the Christmas confusion and January is hard on finances.  May never works because of school graduations..."  Needless to say, this pastor had a dwindling and depressed church; even God wasn't allowed opportunity there 8 months a year.  Thinking like this is perhaps what happened in our text: when God chose to work Jerusalem was not ready.  

At another time Jesus lamented similarly, " often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!  Behold, your house is left unto you desolate... (Lk. 13:34-35, kjv)  What a penalty; desolation is the result of that city not knowing the time of their spiritual opportunity!  

I recall one pastor having said, "We can become so occupied with the work of the Lord that we forget the Lord of the work!"  Very true - and this makes me want to stop and ask God, "Is there something that you want to do in my life, Lord?  Anything that I may have prevented you from doing by being distracted or otherwise concerned?"

I want to be ready always for the God's approach in my life!  

You may discover more about evangelist Jonathan Milam at or

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Cancer Healing

In a previous blog I'd mentioned a very special church service I was privileged to be a part of; I titled that blog, "A Healing Service" because there was a strong, general healing power present for an entire congregation.  That night there began a miraculous chain of events that led to a woman being healed from lumps in her breast or, as her daughter said, "My Mother was healed from cancer!"

I'd preached on, "A Redemptive Gift" that Sunday morning and the presence of the Lord was felt mightily in the sanctuary.  That evening I ministered faith to the congregation and then prayed for people that felt like they needed a special touch from the Spirit of God.  I recall one lady came forward and when I asked what she desired from the Lord she responded by saying, 'I've had X-rays taken that show lumps in my breast!'.  I then prepared to lay hands on her (Hebrews 6:2, Mark 16:18) and to pray believing for the healing power of the Lord.

At this point, though, I felt and did something I've never done since; I told her, "Sister, I don't want to pray for you tonight.  I believe you need your faith strengthened (to receive and keep a healing touch was my unspoken thought).  I'm going to be ministering and teaching on faith for the next few weeks, I'll pray for you later."  I must say, she appeared quite dissapointed - and I didn't blame her at all.  Still, I had felt the delay to be the will of God.  So, I watched her for the next 2 weeks.  I don't believe she missed a service!

The last night of revival at that church I looked for this sister; I hadn't forgotten her.  She hadn't come forward for prayer that I had noticed; I believe she felt abandoned and forgotten.  Nonetheless, I finally located her in the sanctuary, approached her and said, "Now I believe you're ready to receive a healing touch from the Lord!"  I then laid hands upon her, prayed as faithfully as I could, rebuked the spirit of cancer and went on to my next revival.

My next scheduled revival was about 25 miles away at a different church.  As I went in that first night of a new revival a lovely young lady approached, shook my hand and joyously informed me, "My mother was healed of cancer!"  I smiled and said something like, "Wow; that's wonderful!"  She then said, "You don't know who my mother is, do you?" To which I responded, "No, I really don't."

Then came the bombshell:  "My mother is the lady that you prayed for last week that had lumps in her breast - an X-ray had shown them.  She went back to the doctor yesterday to determine how they would pursue treatment - but they couldn't find the lumps!  My mother was healed!"  Now, I could rejoice with her; thank God!

I could write much of faith and healing (and will attempt to in other blogs); several times I've seen people with various stages of cancer healed but let me say this:  It takes a special kind of faith to receive the truly miraculous from the Lord...But it takes a special kind of faith to maintain the touch one receives as well.  Hebrews (2:1) refers to 'letting things slip'.  I know it's a reference to the things we have heard but I believe we can let the things we have received slip as well; one can receive a miracle of healing and let it slip.  In fact, in the carnal world that we live in it's precious few saints that actually keep all that they may receive.  Still, what a God we serve; He is mighty to heal and abundantly willing as well!

For more information about Evangelist Jonathan Milam you may visit his spot on the web at

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Healing Service

I hadn't thought about this until just recently and something jogged my memory...  Years ago I was preaching in southeast Texas and feeling great liberty in revival services.  Perhaps half the time I'd preach across the Sabine River in Louisiana where it seemed there simply wasn't the liberty or blessing.  I began to feel that the two areas, in two separate States, were operating as differing 'principalities'.  Convinced of this, I wrote several pastors in Texas including some scriptures about 'open doors, times and seasons' and so on.

Within a few days I received a phone call from a pastor in southeast Texas.  "Bro. Milam, I want to know who you've been talking to in my church", he asked.  After thinking a moment I replied, "I don't believe I know anyone in your church, Pastor."  He seemed surprised but went on to say that the scriptures that I had included in my letter to him had been prominent in recent public prophecies within his church; wonderful - I thought.  We agreed on a date and before long I found myself preaching my first message at his church.

I'd been quite delighted with "Taking Our Cities for God", a great book by John Dawson, in previous weeks and I felt led to speak about their city and its church's redemptive gift. "This city is not known for ship building but ship repair", I preached that morning.  "And this is also the redemptive gift for this church: to repair vessels that have been worn down and hurt...".  It was a simply enough thought but the intensity and focus brought to bear by the presence of God in that service was simply shocking.

In this facet I'm not sure I've ever been in a similar service:  As I ministered about the healing of vessels (the healing of the saints) a tremendous agreement, a marvelous unity seemed to bind us together.  Many of the church members began to weep as the presence of the Lord moved upon them, and I do mean WEEP!  At one point the weeping was so powerful that I simply could not be heard.  I recall pausing from my sermon and looking back at the pastor, seated (and sometimes standing) behind me; he simply shrugged and raised his hands as if to say, 'This is different from the norm for us, too...'.

The beautiful thing about that morning seemed to be not only the weeping of the sainthood but as they yielded to the Holy Spirit and received this word it seems that a healing balm came and miraculously began to heal the inner wounds that many saints had carried for many years.  What a God and what a service! In the following weeks there were many physical healings to match the spiritual and emotional healing of this first service; God is so good!  I recall to this day the power of the Lord in that service.  My prayer remains, "Dear Lord, show us our redemptive gift, open us to our innermost needs and meet them with your power and glory, through your word and your Spirit.  In Jesus' name I pray; Amen".

For more info on Jonathan and his ministry you may visit his website at

A Message and a Vision

Greetings!  The following is a bit out of the norm but quite true.  If this blesses you – I’m thrilled.  If, as you read this, a pastor comes to mind that this might benefit – please do forward this to them.
     A few days ago I was praying.  It was an uneventful day; there was much time for prayer, the Word of God and meditation.  As I prayed I felt my thoughts drawn to a pastor in the central United States (I’ll withhold his name for now).  This pastor and his church were impressed upon me for a few hours of prayer; it was a great time.  Suddenly I felt the Lord give me a word for this pastor.  ”I’m going to give him (this pastor) an open door!”  I felt thrilled!  The term, although found in the Bible, is not altogether common; it brings to mind a great opportunity for revival – a weeping revival, a sweeping revival, a reaping revival!  I rejoiced for my brother!  But God was not through; this pastor has faced a lack of harmony with some neighboring ministers.  I then heard God say, “And I will show that those who hate him are of the church of Laodicea!”  I now felt concern for this message carried not only hope but a warning as well.  I also felt (for the pastor who was being blessed with an open door) that his response to the fearful state of his enemies was of great importance; love does not rejoice when a brother is facing judgement.
     Within a short time I called my pastor friend; he did not answer and so I left a simple message, “I have a word from the Lord for you; please call when you have a moment and can focus on the message that I have for you.”  I then opened Revelation 2 and 3 and read Gods message to the 7 Churches.  As I focused on Philadelphia, a church with an open door, I received more for this pastor.  To the word I had from the Lord, there was now added a vision.  I saw this pastor standing in a prayerful, worshiping manner.  As he stood, Jesus suddenly appeared before him.  There were no words spoken but I suddenly noticed a key in the hand of Jesus – a key that was raised…And then handed to my friend.  In light of Revelation 3 and the message to Philadelphia I felt immediately that to the promise of an open door God was now extending the key of David as well!  I was so moved that I began to weep!  I could not restrain myself; I felt so humbled to hear and see what God was doing.  Later that afternoon this pastor did call me, we spent almost an hour focused on this message and vision from God.  We both wept and felt strongly the hand of God upon us.
     What I did not know, and couldn’t have known (this pastor and I hadn’t corresponded in a few years) was that just days before this he had confided to one very close to him that he had a hungering to see the Key of David in action.  While I didn’t know this – God obviously did.  His church was also open for prayer 3 hours each evening, 7 days a week; God will speak to those who seek Him.
     May I add that my friend, who has enjoyed little harmony with some neighboring ministers, responds with love and understanding to them.  ’They have helped me become much more of a man of God,’ he softly says.  This not only allayed my concern but gave me confidence that the blessing of the Lord will rest mightily upon a very deserving pastor and man of God.
     I like balance.  While I am thankful for the spirit of prophecy and while it has been prophesied of me that I would see with keen insight the things of the Spirit, I still like a confirmation of the unusual in the Word of God.  I began looking up the word “key” in the Bible.  Although I’ve read Isaiah several times, I did not remember this verse:
     Isaiah22:20 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah:21 And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah.22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.23 And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house.  (Bold, italics and underline added by me) KJV
     Well, we do serve a God of miracles, don’t we?  He still speaks, doesn’t He?  I hope that you rejoice with me in this experience.  I am thrilled to be an evangelist at this time; to be used to sing, to play, to preach, to pray and to deliver the word of the Lord.  Pray with me that God will grant great and mighty things in our world, won’t you?  Great words should not be hid in a corner; we must speak what God the Lord will say – and I believe He has great and mighty things to say in these days.  Surely God is no respecter of persons; if He will promise an open door just days ago in a central U.S. city – He can offer an open door for you and your church as well!  If He will give a word for my friend that pastors in this central city – He will have a word to encourage you, to renew you, to uphold you!  His ear is still inclined to cry of his people, His hand is stretched out still and His tongue is not held – neither are His visions wanting!  God be praised both now and forever!

For more info about Jonathan you may visit his website,

The Next Great U.S. Revival?

Some time back I had a vision; always a wonderful thing!  Strangely, I was driving south on I-71 between Columbus and Cincinnati when it happened (angels may have kept me on the road, I have wondered).  Anyway, as I drove along I suddenly saw a woman poised by a riverside in great distress.  I watched as she wept and the Spirit made known to me that she represented the church and was ready to give birth but there were serious problems hindering her.

Somehow I suddenly realized what God was trying to convey to me; there was (still is) a revival waiting to take place in the Ohio River Basin.  This is a good size area occupying most of Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee and parts of Illinois, Pennsylvania and Alabama as well.  Imagine; a revival awaits millions in these states!

I believe a great revival is still awaiting!  Wouldn't it be great to have another Toronto Blessing - but in the United States?  How exciting to anticipate another Brownstown - but centrally located!  As has been said so well before, "If not now, when?  If not here, where?  If not us, who?"  Let's pray that God will enable our nation to experience a revival that will unite us in Him and sweep across the entirety of our nation.

So, where do I think the next great U.S. revival will be?  In the Ohio River Basin - and I'm doing all I can to make it happen!  

For more information on Jonathan please visit his little spot on the web,