Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Cancer Healing

In a previous blog I'd mentioned a very special church service I was privileged to be a part of; I titled that blog, "A Healing Service" because there was a strong, general healing power present for an entire congregation.  That night there began a miraculous chain of events that led to a woman being healed from lumps in her breast or, as her daughter said, "My Mother was healed from cancer!"

I'd preached on, "A Redemptive Gift" that Sunday morning and the presence of the Lord was felt mightily in the sanctuary.  That evening I ministered faith to the congregation and then prayed for people that felt like they needed a special touch from the Spirit of God.  I recall one lady came forward and when I asked what she desired from the Lord she responded by saying, 'I've had X-rays taken that show lumps in my breast!'.  I then prepared to lay hands on her (Hebrews 6:2, Mark 16:18) and to pray believing for the healing power of the Lord.

At this point, though, I felt and did something I've never done since; I told her, "Sister, I don't want to pray for you tonight.  I believe you need your faith strengthened (to receive and keep a healing touch was my unspoken thought).  I'm going to be ministering and teaching on faith for the next few weeks, I'll pray for you later."  I must say, she appeared quite dissapointed - and I didn't blame her at all.  Still, I had felt the delay to be the will of God.  So, I watched her for the next 2 weeks.  I don't believe she missed a service!

The last night of revival at that church I looked for this sister; I hadn't forgotten her.  She hadn't come forward for prayer that I had noticed; I believe she felt abandoned and forgotten.  Nonetheless, I finally located her in the sanctuary, approached her and said, "Now I believe you're ready to receive a healing touch from the Lord!"  I then laid hands upon her, prayed as faithfully as I could, rebuked the spirit of cancer and went on to my next revival.

My next scheduled revival was about 25 miles away at a different church.  As I went in that first night of a new revival a lovely young lady approached, shook my hand and joyously informed me, "My mother was healed of cancer!"  I smiled and said something like, "Wow; that's wonderful!"  She then said, "You don't know who my mother is, do you?" To which I responded, "No, I really don't."

Then came the bombshell:  "My mother is the lady that you prayed for last week that had lumps in her breast - an X-ray had shown them.  She went back to the doctor yesterday to determine how they would pursue treatment - but they couldn't find the lumps!  My mother was healed!"  Now, I could rejoice with her; thank God!

I could write much of faith and healing (and will attempt to in other blogs); several times I've seen people with various stages of cancer healed but let me say this:  It takes a special kind of faith to receive the truly miraculous from the Lord...But it takes a special kind of faith to maintain the touch one receives as well.  Hebrews (2:1) refers to 'letting things slip'.  I know it's a reference to the things we have heard but I believe we can let the things we have received slip as well; one can receive a miracle of healing and let it slip.  In fact, in the carnal world that we live in it's precious few saints that actually keep all that they may receive.  Still, what a God we serve; He is mighty to heal and abundantly willing as well!

For more information about Evangelist Jonathan Milam you may visit his spot on the web at

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